Hike To Pomo Canyon Campground Then Up Pomo Canyon to View of Red Hill Sonoma County, California - January 23 and 24 (Two Trips), 2025 ~4 Miles, 850' Elevation Gain Reenie and Bob
We hike in Pomo Canyon two days in a row, the second day to successfully find the camera which Bob lost on the first day when he tripped and fell (on soft ground, no injuries).
We start our hike near the Pomo Canyon Campground which we get to by driving west on Hwy 116, then south over the Russian River bridge to the small town(?) of Bridgehaven. The first day we stop along Hwy 116 to watch a coyote in the fields. (Here's a video).
We then follow Willow Creek Road until we reach the closed gate about a mile from Pomo Canyon Campground and trailhead. Bridgehaven appears to consist of one building and a few (maybe 3?) homes. The Willow Creek Road itself is an adventure - sometimes paved, sometimes gravel, pot holes to dodge, usually about 1 lane although a two way road - but with beautiful views. It also has a well decorated bridge at one point.
We park the car in the grass beside the road and in front of the gate, put on our hiking boots, don our daypacks, and walk along the level ground to the campground and trailhead.
Along the way we see a stream beside the road that reminds Bob of one from a hike in Napa valley.
And the trailhead includes very nice facilities.
We then hike up through a beautiful redwood forest with magnificent trees. The redwoods are replaced by other trees and later we get to the top of our hike with wide panoramic views.