After parking car at Shell Beach parking lot (only one other car was there) and putting on our hiking boots, we hiked down to Shell Beach. The weather was perfect and except for one other person we had the beach to ourselves. After enjoying the ocean view, the sound of the waves, and momentarily seeing a large, swimming animal, perhaps a seal, we walked back up to the car.
At the car we changed into our hiking boots, put on our daypacks (after decreasing the weight by eating sugar coated pecans prepared by Reenie), walked across Hwy 1, and started our hike up the Pomo Canyon trail (formally: The Dr. David C Joseph Memorial Trail).
After hiking uphill for a while we got pretty views of the Jenner Preserves where we have hiked several times before. It was interesting to see a large area had been cleared as appears in the middle of the photo below.
Then into forest to a stream with a path up along the stream. One tree in particular caught our attention. Also a small mushroom which caught Bob's attention.
We found a nice place to picnic - tasty sandwiches by Reenie along with chocolate (Bob provided 2 mangos, but forgot to bring a knife with which to cut them, so Reenie and Bob each had one to take home). Hiking back we got of course more views of landscape and of the ocean.