
Urgent--Notice of Public Hearing, Feb. 4, 2014

Regarding: Meadows Kennel Expansion to 35 Dogs

Updated: January 27, 2014

The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors will hold a hearing to determine if Heidi Niemann will be allowed to expand her Meadows Kennel to 35 dogs. The kennel is presently allowed only 10 dogs, Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m -6 p.m. for daycare and no overnight boarding. An expanded kennel would allow 35 dogs, 7 days a week, with 20 dogs allowed outside at a time--from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Dogs would be confined to a kennel building 8pm to 7 a.m. The kennel is located at 6445 Sonoma Highway (travel left on Highway 12 when leaving Oakmont Drive, about 4/10 mile)

WHAT: Board of Supervisor's Hearing to Determine Meadows Kennel Expansion Request to 35 Dogs

DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, February 4, 2014. Hearing starts at 2 p.m. but be there early!

LOCATION OF HEARING: Board of Supervisors Meeting Room, 102-A. Sonoma County Administration Building, 575 Administration Drive, Santa Rosa, CA

NOTE: All interested parties invited to attend and speak, if they would like. Time to speak may be short (2 minutes). On any written testimony, please indicate that it should go into the official hearing record. Speaking material, the same.

Contacts: Please voice concerns to our 1st. District Supervisor, Susan Gorin.

Other board members:

2nd District: David Rabbitt.

3rd District: Shirlee Zane.

4th District: Mike McGuire

5th District: Efren Carillo

Reported by Shirley Phillips

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