April 14, 2011
Heidi Niemann, owner/operator Meadows Kennel, with volunteer Lana Pacheco, said that revised kennel plans are being worked on in response to comments from the Board of Zoning Adjustments after the first
March, 2012, hearing on this project.
Ms. Neimann indicated that revised kennel plans would probably go to county planners in June, but this is not a definite date.
Plans Increase Dog Count from 10 to 35
Tentative revised plans call for 35 dogs, (she is currently allowed 10). She had asked for 50 dogs at the first hearing.
New Kennel Building
According to Ms.Niemann, a new kennel building would be sound proofed to "urban standards" (it is not clear what this implies). Ms. Pacheco stated there would be no outdoor access dog runs on the south side of the new building with a possible limited number of outdoor access runs on the north side of a new building. The current existing building will remain, but it was not clear what would be done with its 7 attached outdoor dog runs.
Four Exercise Areas, Yard, and Garden Remain
The four outside exercise areas remain along with garden and yard area. The county planners in their "conditions of approval" would allow a total of 20 dogs outside at a time in these areas (10 total in the exercise areas and 10 total in the yard/garden areas.).
Barking Response
As to the use of bark "disciplining" collars which the "conditions of approval" state "shall be used as needed," Ms. Pacheco indicated that if a dog were a problem barker, the owner would be called to take the dog home.
Reported by Shirley Phillips based on a phone conversation and a meeting with the Ms. Nieman and Ms. Pacheco.
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