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A Bit Of Background On Commissioner Wood:
The OZ Project's "Staunchest Supporter"

October 20, 2002

Those of us fighting the investment group who want to overturn the Master Plan at 159th and Metcalf have come to know all to well how willing Commmissioner Doug Wood is to support developer schemes. With the election coming up, I thought it would be interesting to see what has been published about his past stances.

One stance came up over and over again: Wood's unequivocal support for that monstrosity known as the Oz Project. He continued that support until the investment group finally defaulted on a payment they owed. Only after this indication that they had severe cash problems did Wood finally withdraw his support.

At the same time, the articles make clear that Commissioner Annabeth Surbaugh, now running for Commission Chair, was the key to stopping Oz.

Of course, now we are fighting another development project. A project that looks more and more like an investment group's land speculation scheme. The success of that scheme to make a multimillion dollar windfall depends on the support of Commissioner Wood and at least 3 other Commissioners. Commissioner Wood has made it abundantly clear that once again he sides with the get rich quick folks and intends to vote for this project.

Commissioner Surbaugh has made it clear that she is opposed to the project.

Many of us are hoping Commissioner Wood loses to Doug Holdman in the 5th District (Olathe, Gardner, Edgerton) and Commissioner Surbaugh wins the Chair (County wide).

Here are some articles about Oz, Commissioner Surbaugh, and Commissioner Wood:

  • Official Johnson County Press Release documenting Surbaugh, Wood votes

  • Split OZ Vote: Note in the middle of this article how the developers under revealed, but only under detailed questioning, how they were using a little known state law to reap a windfall. Reminds me of Blue Valley Plaza at 159th/Metcalf with their newest ploy for financing roads using a just passed law, to say nothing of the wealth they get with a re-zoning.

  • OZ Defaults On Payment - Wood, it's "staunchest supporter" begins to question his support. Article in KC Star.

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