Section S17 Sewer Proposal Update

November 17, 1997:

The sewer information meeting is still scheduled for Thursday night, November 20.

Rob Miller, Johnson County Waste Water Department Planning/Project Engineer 338-1300 x2100, reports that the department is less interested in using directional drilling than in using a new technology called Hard Rock Trenching. Unlike a backhoe, a hard rock trenching machine is designed to cut a trench directly through rock. So for instance, it can quickly cut a 14" trench right through the rock. A back hoe requires that you break up the rock.

Directional drilling is getting a bad name (look at the Kansas City Star's front page for Monday, November 17) because people have been known to drill right through sewers, gas lines, cable, etc. without realizing it. A house in the area blew up because of this sort of thing.

Rob also emphasized, as he has in the past, that this sewer proposal is being brought up solely because this is such a cheaper alternative to past proposals that the department felt obligated to present it to the community. If the community is not interested, the department will not pursue it.

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