
Eastern Kansas League


Be at the course after school

Girls Varsity:    4:30        2 Mile

Boys Varsity      4:50        5K

Girls JV          5:20        2 Mile

Boys JV:          5:40        5K

Awards            6:15

Medals in all races for top 10


Everyone is expected to stay after the awards and help with course clean up.

If everyone helps this should not take more than a half an hour


PARKING:    Please park at the school.  Do not park by the course.



Stintzi                           Updike             Shaffie              Chinery


Check out our website:



We still have parent t-shirts & sweatshirts for sale


Please RSVP for Cross Country banquet:  Give money and slip to Coach Huber or Mrs. Chinery


Thanks to all parents who offered to volunteer for this meet.  It could not happen without you.