Blue Valley Highschool Cross Country
Fall, 2002 Season
Stilwell, KS

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Topeka West Invitational at Topeka

September 14, 2002

Conditions: 9:30 am; 70's and drizzly; some mud on course

The 5K Course (Boys/Girls Varsity; JV Boys)

The 2 Mile Course (JV Girls; C Team Boys)

The C Team Boys' Finish With Coach Huber's Comments
(click on image to see larger version)

Jason - 13:50
"Let's get healthy……….."

Cooper - 14:10
"Keep bringing the time down"

Robbie - 14:46
"You keep improving. You love CC."

Dan - 15:17
"PR. How can you smile and run so fast?"

Rehaan - 15:46
"Almost a 2 minute improvement. Keep going"

Patrick - 20:12
"Close to a 2 minute improvement. Keep running."

The JV Girl's Finish With Coach Huber's Comments

Emily - 15:14
"Awesome first race. Now it get's easy."

Jackie - 15:15
"Way to sprint at the end. PR too"

Alexandra - 15:24
"Huge improvent. Keep it up."

Ellen - 17:10
"Keep passing & staying strong."

Megan - 17:52
"Almost a 2 minute improvement. Keep going"

Jenny - 18:01
"The time just keeps coming down. Great."

Kacie - 18:43
"45 seconds better than last week."

Erika - 18:48
"See you don't need to walk.. Great PR."

The JV Boy's Finish With Coach Huber's Comments

Austin - 21:32
"PR. Try to beat the President."

Luke - 21:45
"2 mile was faster than the last 2-2mile races..keep it up"

Chris - 23:41
"PR. Great first 2 miles"

Tim - 24:51
"PR. You keep getting better."

Here are the Final Results

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